Her daughter asked, “Mom, how did you become such a great pianist?”
“Well, it kind of happened gradually and then suddenly,” her mother lovingly replied.
All it takes is one lesson! Gradually and then suddenly you can become a great pianist. Anyone who is excellent at something did it gradually over time.
Learn the lifelong gift of music today!.
All it takes is one lesson with Pam and then suddenly you will be playing the piano.
Music is in her heart and soul, it is in your heart and soul. All it takes is the right teacher and guide in order to hear it.
If you want someone who will invest the time to teach your kids to play the piano, then Pam Corner is someone you should meet.
If you have a piano and would like to teach your kids to play the piano, then Pam Corner is someone you should meet. She will teach your kids how to play the piano in the comfort of your own home!
If you do not have piano Pam will teach your child at her home in Media, Pennsylvania.
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Pam Corner has been playing piano for more than forty years beginning at a young age when her mother taught her to play.
In the past decade Pam has played Alto Saxophone for the Pennsylvania Symphonic Winds Band, the Upper Darby Sousa Band and the Marple Newtown Community Band.
Pam with her daughter Jordan at the Marple Tiger Band concert (2019)
Following in her mother’s footsteps, Pam proudly taught her daughters to play the piano at an early age. Her biggest challenge to date will be teaching her husband to play!